working portfolio of
Gerald Hovancik Jr.
Professional Awards
2013 State University of New York, Council for University Advancement (SUNYCUAD):
Best in Category: Websites - Binghamton University
2012 State University of New York, Council for University Advancement (SUNYCUAD):
Judges Citation: Websites - Binghamton University Bearcats
2011 Communications Association of the Southern Tier (CAST):
1st Place: Web Sites (25 pages or less) - Binghamton University Foundation Annual Report
2nd Place: Web Sites (25 pages or less) - 60 Perspectives - Harpur at 60*
3rd Place: Periodicals (newsletters [digital]) - Inside Binghamton University*
2nd Place: Annual Reports - Binghamton University Foundation
2011 CASE District II:
Gold: Website: Publication/Special Purpose: Think Binghamton Advocacy Campaign**
2010 Communications Association of the Southern Tier (CAST):
1st Place: Public Relations, Campaign: Think Binghamton Advocacy Campaign*
1st Place: CD-ROM/Multimedia Presentation: Homecoming 2009 Flash Invitation
2006 Communications Association of the Southern Tier (CAST):
Best of Show: 2005 President’s Cabinet-Carlsbad*
Judges Choice: 2006 NBT Bancorp Benefits Guide*
1st Place: Brochures/Catalogs - Products/Services/Courses: 2006 NBT Bancorp Benefits Guide*
2nd Place: Periodicals/Newsletter: Print: NBT Bank's StarPoints*
3rd Place: Self Promotion: NBT Bank's 2006 Calendar
2005 Insurance and Financial Communicators Association (IFCA)**
Best of Show: Convention Support Materials: 2005 President’s Cabinet-Carlsbad*
2005 Communications Association of the Southern Tier (CAST)
Best Of Show: 2004 President’s Cabinet-Venezia*
1st Place: Special Event Promotion/Series: 2004 President’s Cabinet-Venezia*
3rd Place: Special Event Promotion/Series: Empire State Games 2004
2nd Place: Annual Report: Security Mutual Life 2003 Annual Report*
2004 Communications Association of the Southern Tier (CAST)
1st Place: Digital Art/Electronic Newsletter: sml news
2nd Place: Special Event Promotion/Series: 2003 President’s Cabinet-Phoencian*
3rd Place: Special Event Promotion/Series: Benefits Conference 2003
3rd Place: Annual Report: Security Mutual Life 2002 Annual Report*
2004 Insurance and Financial Communicators Association (IFCA)**
Best of Show: Convention Support Materials: 2004 President’s Cabinet-Venezia*
2003 Communications Association of the Southern Tier (CAST)
1st Place: Annual Report: Security Mutual Life 2001 Annual Report*
3rd Place: Special Event Promotion/Series: 2002 President’s Cabinet-Venice*
2003 Life Communicators Association (LCA)
Best of Show: Agent Convention Promotion: 2002 President’s Cabinet-Venice*
2002 Communications Association of the Southern Tier (CAST)
1st Place: Annual Report: Security Mutual Life 2000 Annual Report*
*Collaborative design Work
**National Awards
Organization Links
- Best in Category: Websites - Binghamton University
- 1st Place: Web Sites (25 pages or less) - Binghamton University Foundation Annual Report
- Gold: Website: Publication/Special Purpose: Think Binghamton Advocacy Campaign**
- Best of Show: Convention Support Materials: 2005 President’s Cabinet-Carlsbad*